lululemon has always been sharing the concept of "well being" with more people. At the beginning of the new year, the brand will continue to explore Eastern narratives about "well being" within its profound traditional cultural heritage.As the season marking the beginning of the year, "Spring" holds special significance in Eastern culture, with people singing its praises and attributing various positive meanings to it. lululemon sees  "Spring" as an expression of intentionality, concerning one's inner state. Therefore, singing of 'Spring' is a call inward, with the hope of achieving a harmonious"well being" of body and mind.

从“我的宠物是我的一个镜像”这品牌方所秉持的生活态度出发,我们为其确定了Selfist 这个品牌名,意在将“镜像”这一意象发散连接到自拍这一行为,并与分享紧密相关。取首字母S并与其镜像图案,一同形成宠物笑容的符号作为品牌Logo,将长时间相伴注定彼此相像的结果以巧妙的形式视觉化呈现。
