lululemon has always been sharing the concept of "well being" with more people. At the beginning of the new year, the brand will continue to explore Eastern narratives about "well being" within its profound traditional cultural heritage.As the season marking the beginning of the year, "Spring" holds special significance in Eastern culture, with people singing its praises and attributing various positive meanings to it. lululemon sees  "Spring" as an expression of intentionality, concerning one's inner state. Therefore, singing of 'Spring' is a call inward, with the hope of achieving a harmonious"well being" of body and mind.

2023年8月11日至11月11日,KAUKAU参展由北京三里屯太古里主办、创意品项策划承办的国际动态平面展览——“律动的妙想 (Motion Evolving)”,策展人为创意品项创始人刘钢、来自荷兰托尼克工作室的罗伊·特霍斯特。展览旨在向公众提示视觉潮流的演进变化,带来一场反映设计领域革新的视觉盛象。创意品项团队将公共空间的通道转化为艺术画廊,建立起设计艺术与公众全新的链接,让观众置身于循环且流动的图像之中,移步易景。