lululemon has always been sharing the concept of "well being" with more people. At the beginning of the new year, the brand will continue to explore Eastern narratives about "well being" within its profound traditional cultural heritage.As the season marking the beginning of the year, "Spring" holds special significance in Eastern culture, with people singing its praises and attributing various positive meanings to it. lululemon sees  "Spring" as an expression of intentionality, concerning one's inner state. Therefore, singing of 'Spring' is a call inward, with the hope of achieving a harmonious"well being" of body and mind.

MAIA ACTIVE是专为亚洲女性打造的运动品牌。她们精心制造在视觉和身体上双重舒适的运动服饰,让亚洲女性拥有更轻盈、愉悦、自在的运动体验。KAUKAU此次为品牌所作的视觉升级,是在系统性整理品牌方已有的视觉资产上展开的,通过在各种视觉细节上的精细处理,以精确品牌核心价值所对应的视觉感受,将阳光自由的女性气质以一种适宜的情绪显露出来。
